Title Author Date Recorded File Size
A Culture of Stories Pastor Steven Holmes 14th July 2024 24.54 MB
Our stories of God's work in our lives are powerful. This is an encouragement to the church to build in a culture of stories into the life of the church.
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Sharing your story Pastor Steven Holmes 7th July 2024 55.99 MB
In these messages, we explore how faith is released when you share your story of what God has done in your life.
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Breakthrough Thinking Pastor Steven Holmes 30th June 2024 53.39 MB
In the story of the four friends who Brought the friend to Jesus, we see them encounter a roadblock on the way to Jesus. To get the breakthrough for the friend, they needed a change in their thinking.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Mission of Jesus Pastor Steven Holmes 23rd June 2024 51.27 MB
If Jesus had a mission statement, it would probably be 'Seeking and Saving the Lost'. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and this is also the mission for His church in these days and theses times. Be blessed and be encouraged as you listen to this message.
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The Father's Love Andrew Bennett 16th June 2024 20.67 MB
Father's Day Message. In this message from Luke 15, we see 2 brothers who were lost. The younger threw away everything and the older felt he was slaving in the work of his father. The one constant factor was the love of the father for his sons. Know today that God loves you and this will never change.
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Jesus the Breaker Pastor Steven Holmes 9th June 2024 26.2 MB
Breakthrough Faith Series. In this message we see Jesus is the King who breaks open the way.
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Tenacious Faith Andrew Bennett 2nd June 2024 21.41 MB
In this message we explore what Tenacious faith looks like in everyday living through the story of the healing of the two blind men.
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Faith in God's Provision Pastor Steven Holmes 26th May 2024 55.27 MB
Breakthrough Faith Series. In this message, we discover Jesus testing Philip about how to feed 5000 people. You can be confident in God's provision by faith in your life. Will you trust God to be your provision?
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
The Man with Great Faith Andrew Bennett 19th May 2024 25.37 MB
Breakthrough Faith. In this message, Jesus meets a man who need healing for his servant. Jesus describes the man as having great faith. Discover the keys to seeing breakthrough come by faith.
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Great Faith Andrew Bennet 12th May 2024 25.37 MB
Part 2 of the series on Breakthrough Faith. In this message we will see a man that Jesus said had great faith.
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The Attitude of Faith Pastor Steven Holmes 5th May 2024 24.26 MB
New Series exploring the power of breakthrough faith. We will be exploring the possibilities in God as we step out and live with faith in our lives.
pptx document Faith.pptx
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Born again by the Spirit of God Andrew Bennett 28th April 2024 46.68 MB
What does it mean to be born again. Listen and discover the great truth of the Gospel that Jesus loves you, died for you, and wants a relationship with you.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Leaving 'Stuckville Pastor Steven Holmes 14th April 2024 24.61 MB
Do you feel stuck in life, can't see a way forward or out of a particular situation. There are time in life when we feel stuck. In this message, you will discover some keys to help you become unstuck and move ahead into the plans and purposes of God for your life.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Malachi - The Missing Ingredient Pastor Steven Holmes 7th April 2024 33.74 MB
In this message we discover the missing ingredient in the lives of the hearers of Malachi's message. This ingredient is much needed in the church today.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Strengthen Yourself in the Lord Pastor Kevin Peat 24th March 2024 29.36 MB
What do you do when things don't go the way you expected. How do you face disappointment in your life. Listen and discover the lessons from the life of David who was a man after the heart of God.
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Worship and the Holy Spirit Margaret Peat 23rd March 2024 23.87 MB
What does worshipping in Spirit and in Truth look like for the believer. As you listen to this message, let Holy Spirit fill your heart in worship of Jesus
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Growing in Radical Trust Andrew Bennett 17th March 2024 25.36 MB
Next part in our series on Malachi. In this message we explore what growing in radical trust in God looks like. Be blessed as you listen to this message.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Malachi - The Call to Faithfulness Pastor Steven Holmes 10th March 2024 29.11 MB
Part 4 in our series on Malachi
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