Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Building Healthy Relationships Pastor Steven Holmes 23rd April 2023 48.03 MB
Part 2 of our Fruit of the Spirit series. Today we explore the second fruit, 'Love'. Jesus commands us to love one another, so how do we do that in the way Jesus expects us to?
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Fruit of the Spirit - Fruitful Pastor Steven Holmes 16th April 2023 44.24 MB
Part 1 of our series on the Fruit of The Spirit. Today we discover the way to bear fruit is to remain close to Jesus and obey his word. Be blessed.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Do not fear, God is with you. Pastor Steven Holmes 30th October 2022 48.43 MB
Elisha prayed that the eyes of his servant would be opened. He saw that there were more on the side of him and Elisha than there were the enemy side. Know that God is with you and you need not fear.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Come Holy Spirit Andrew Bennett 23rd October 2022 49.99 MB
David was described as a man after God's own heart. David built into his life the things that would deepen his relationship with God. Listen and discover some keys to building a deeper more intimate relationship with God.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Have you been given a raw deal? Pastor Steven Holmes 16th October 2022 47.91 MB
The writer of Psalm 73 felt he had been given a raw deal. The world around him seemed to prosper and be problem free while God's people was facing hardship and trouble. His perspective changed when he went into the Sanctuary of God. As you listen to this message, allow God to change your perspective on your current hardship or difficulty.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Jesus - God's love manifested Pastor Steven Holmes 9th October 2022 18.56 MB
God is love and has show the world how much he loves us by sending Jesus. Jesus is God's love manifested in person.
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Jesus The Healer Pastor Steven Holmes 25th September 2022 46.02 MB
The story of the paralyzed man and the men who brought him to Jesus. There are many lessons for us from this wonderful story of healing.
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Discover God's plan for your life Pastor Steven Holmes 28th August 2022 35.55 MB
God has a plan and a purpose for your life. Listen and discover some keys to help you discover what those plans and purposes are.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Stepping into your destiny Pastor Steven Holmes 2nd January 2022 65.36 MB
As we step into another year, I'm sure for a lot of people there is some uncertainty and fear. But know today that you can step into all that God has for you with confidence and courage, because God is with you. With your Heavenly Father with you, you can step into your destiny. Joshua 3
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Where are the Pacesetters Pastor Steven Holmes 7th November 2021 46.28 MB
There is a call for men and women of God to rise up and be the 'pacesetters' in our world today. Pacesetters lead the way and have the courage to step up and lead the way and be a godly example for others to follow.
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